News Details

ISHPSSB Off-year workshop, organized by Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter) & Thomas Reydon (University of Hannover):
5th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS):
Interdisciplinarity in the Life Sciences and their Philosophy
KLI (Vienna, Austria) 10–14 September 2018
As an ISHPSSB workshop, there are graduate student travel grants available. Apply here for travel grants!
The EASPLS is characterized by its unique format: The schedule mixes presentations of senior researchers and presentations by PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers. The summer school includes various forms of participation. The selected participants will be asked to either (1) give a paper on the topic they have proposed with their application, (2) to present a commentary on a senior researcher’s presentation, or (3) to participate in a roundtable discussion moderated by a senior researcher. The organizers aim to publish the best contributions (full-length papers, commentary notes, and discussion notes) in a thematic issue or section in an international journal in the field.
Read more details on the webpage of the KLI or download the extended Call for Applications/ Call for Papers here. Send your application for the EASPLS here!
Deadline for applications: 31 March 2018