The Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) is an independent center of advanced studies in the life sciences, supporting research in theoretical biology, evolutionary biology, cognitive science, anthropology, and the philosophy of science. Many projects at the KLI have focused on understanding the interaction of different organizational levels of life, such as evolutionary, ecological, developmental, sociocultural, and cognitive dynamics. The institute also fosters critical engagement with the conceptual, historical, and societal dimensions of the life sciences.

The KLI hosts staff scientists and funds resident and visiting fellowships for scientists at different career stages (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and more senior scientists) from different disciplines, such as biologists, mathematicians, philosophers, historians, and social scientists. In addition to open fellowship calls for specific research topics, the institute welcomes ad hoc applications for resident and visiting fellowships. Priority is given to innovative, critical, or risky projects that go beyond the usual academic divide of disciplines. Furthermore, the institute regularly hosts scientific talks, workshops, research groups, and conferences. Through these activities, the KLI offers a stimulating and creative research environment for fellows, visitors, and students.