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Entry 37 of 317

Project Details

Brauckmann Sabine | Fellow Visitor
2012-12-09 - 2013-02-28 | Research area: History of Biology
A Laboratory in the Prater
The research project "A Laboratory in the Prater" will publish a detailed study of the research program of the Biologische Versuchsanstalt (vulgo Vivarium) in Vienna (1902-1945). The objective is to locate the BVA inside the context of experimental and theoretical biology of the early 20th century, to map its networking grid that connected it to other Austrian and international research institutes, and to trace its diverse tie-ins to fin de siècle Vienna. By focusing on its experimental strategy the project intends to introduce the BVA as an interconnected research institute that became the blueprint for other research institutes of experimental biology, and to show its implicit impact on the advance of developmental biology at other institutions in Europe and USA.