Person Details

Merin Joji is currently pursuing her PhD from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark on Indian freshwater turtles’ shell shape effect by pollution and presence of invasive turtles. She holds a Biology and Zoology Master’s degree from University of Copenhagen and PSG College of Arts and Science, India respectively. Her research is focused on understanding the intricate patterns of shell shape variation in turtles, and how these variations relate to both ecological and anthropogenic factors. She employs geometric morphometric techniques, which involves the detailed analysis of 3D models of turtle and tortoise shells. By quantifying the subtle differences in shell morphology, she aims to uncover how environmental pressures, such as habitat changes, climate variations, and human activities, impacts the evolution and development of shell shapes. Furthermore, her work seeks to understand how these factors contribute to the phenotypic diversity and potential adaptive strategies of Testudines across different environments. She aspires to contribute to the broader field of evolutionary biology by bringing insights into the morphological adaptations of Testudines, through this research. Her findings have the potential to impact future conservation efforts significantly since understanding the relationship between shell morphology and environmental factors can inform strategies to protect these species in a rapidly changing world. Apart from this, she actively engages in disseminating science through publishing 3D models on Sketchfab, facilitating Citizen Science projects, conducting talks, and organizing PhD day.