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Extending our external faculty!
The KLI's list of external faculty has now been extended to include Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, Kevin Laland, and Laura Nuno de la Rosa Garcia. 
Roberto Cazzolla Gatti is an Associate Professor of Conservation Biology at the University of Bologna. He was a senior fellow at the KLI, with projects on niche emergence and evolution of life.
Kevin Laland is currently a senior fellow at the KLI, finishing his book on Evolution Evolving and sharing his experience leading Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (DEI) projects at the School of Biology of University of St. Andrews. He is a Professor of Behavioural and Evolutionary Biology at the University of St Andrews.
Laura Nuño de la Rosa García is a Juan de l a Cierva-Incorporación fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid. As an alumnae of the KLI, she worked on a variety of evo-devo topics both at the Altenberg mansion and our current Klosterneuburg residence.

We are thrilled to have them on board!