Sergio PORTA (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), 2025-01-16 15:00 (CET). Please join our colloquium via Zoom!
Sergio PORTA (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), 2025-01-16 15:00 (CET). Please join our colloquium via Zoom!
In a recent paper, published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Onerva Kiianlinna (KLI & University of Helsinki) argues that the enactivist and representationalist frameworks can and should be brought together when talking about aesthetic judging. (Click on title to read more.)
In a recent paper, published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Onerva Kiianlinna (KLI & University of Helsinki) argues that the enactivist and representationalist frameworks can and should be brought together when talking about aesthetic judging. (Click on title to read more.)
Isabella Sarto-Jackson contributed a chapter titled, "Die sozio-kulturelle Beschleunigung der Evolution (translated as The Socio-Cultural Acceleration of Evolution)" to the book Wechselwirkungen und Zufall in der Evolution (translated as Interactions and Chance in Evolution), edited by Markus Knoflacher (Club of Vienna). Each chapter in this volume examines characteristics of evolutionary processes that continue to challenge human society from a unique perspective, and also provides a compelling reflection that contradicts the dominant ideas of humans' complete control and predictability over all earthly processes—concepts which are increasingly encapsulated in the term "Anthropocene." In her chapter, Isabella explores the key factors influencing human evolution, and their interactions, highlighting how they have shaped the unique evolutionary trajectory of humans.(Click on title to read more.)
Isabella Sarto-Jackson contributed a chapter titled, "Die sozio-kulturelle Beschleunigung der Evolution (translated as The Socio-Cultural Acceleration of Evolution)" to the book Wechselwirkungen und Zufall in der Evolution (translated as Interactions and Chance in Evolution), edited by Markus Knoflacher (Club of Vienna). Each chapter in this volume examines characteristics of evolutionary processes that continue to challenge human society from a unique perspective, and also provides a compelling reflection that contradicts the dominant ideas of humans' complete control and predictability over all earthly processes—concepts which are increasingly encapsulated in the term "Anthropocene." In her chapter, Isabella explores the key factors influencing human evolution, and their interactions, highlighting how they have shaped the unique evolutionary trajectory of humans.(Click on title to read more.)