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CSH Colloquium
Sustainability—a complex challenge
CSH Colloquium with Stefan THURNER, J. Steven LANSING, and Carlo JÄGER
2019-09-11 14:00 - 2019-09-11 16:00
Comlexity Science Hub Vienna (Room E02)
Organized by Comlexity Science Hub Vienna

Public Event to kick-off the KLI / Complexity Hub Workshop "Sustainability as a Problem of Complexity: Past, Present and Future of Sustainability Science in the Anthropocene" (12 –13 September 2019)

Popular ideas about sustainability are still largely guided by a techno-scientific ideal of control. Hence, limits and difficulties of this ideal have become obvious. Is there a more adequate methodology for a sustainability science? The answer is yes: Alternatives have emerged, but have yet to gain wider acceptance in the scientific community.

The CSH Colloquium will highlight some approaches to sustainability that move beyond the control paradigm and deal with the systems of the world as what they are: complex.

Introduction: Manfred Laubichler

With the participation of Stefan Thurner and CSH External Faculty members J Steven Lansing and Carlo Jäger.

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